Welcome to Cupric Clumber Spaniel Kennel

The Clumber Spaniel is a dog that you may fall in love with for its adorable puppy looks, or the majestic adult they become, with their sad eyes and droopy squishable face, but....and a huge but, you should research the breed and make sure that it is the right match for your family and your lifestyle.

Clumbers are not a very active breed, they do have bursts of energy, but their favorite place is curled up next to you on the couch or bed. If you want a dog to jog with you, Clumbers are not a good match.

If you are "house-proud", the Clumber may not be a good match for you. Clumbers shed 24/7, 365 days a year, and you will have quite a bit of hair around your house. If you want a male Clumber, they drool (the girls may drool, depending on their lips and head). When the males shake their head they will leave drool marks on the wall which some people will not appreciate.

The Clumber is not a good kennel dog. Clumbers are a loyal, people-oriented dog. If they are not a member of the household, and living inside, they may not thrive. Clumbers want to be around their people.

Clumbers are considered a "mouthy" breed. They love to carry toys around in their mouths which is adorable, but this can have a negative side. Clumbers will eat everything and anything they can get in their mouths. There is a list on the Clumber Spaniel Foundation website of over 150 different items that Clumbers have eaten. Clumbers can have blockages that require surgery, if you can't monitor what they put in their mouths, the Clumber may not be the dog for you.

We here at Cupric have mentioned to people (including our puppy people) that Clumbers are like perpetual toddlers/babies. They need supervision, and for the most part if you are not home they need to be crated. All our puppies are crate trained when they leave, and we fully support crating our dogs when not at home. Even if they are crated, they are in our house, usually watching TV.

Clumbers are a very intelligent breed, they do learn quickly; both good and bad behavior. They do not do well to harsh corrections, and once they learn a behavior they do not do well on constant repetition. When we take our Clumbers to obedience classes they usually "quit" about a half an hour into the class.

There can be many different health concerns with Clumbers. Many breeders test for HD (Hip Dysplasia) and will also test for PDP1 (a genetic issue with Clumbers). Some breeders may not test for PDP1 if they know that both sides of the pedigree are PDP1 clear for several generations.

If you have any further questions. please feel free to contact us.